King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre Apps

Motamarat 2.0
"MOTAMARAT" is an events management platform for all KFSHRC events
IG Mobile 3.3.4
This application is for KFSH&RC staff to access the following:*Search the Hospital Directory. * Add / Manage Staff Contact.*Access to the Oncall List for All Branches. * See YourMedicalAppointments. * Applying actions on EnterpriseCorrespondence. ToLogin you should use your Active DirectoryUsername and Password.If you have any issue or feedback pleasecontact the HITA helpdesk.
Sehaty 1.7.7
KFSH&RC have launched Sehaty Application which enables users toaccess their health care records anywhere anytime to performseveral tasks and submit requests too which includes the following:- Health Profile, Gives an overview of the most recent informationas recorded in patients’ health records. - Appointments, Thisfeature enables you to view your own and your dependent, upcomingappointments Postpone or cancel existing appointments - MedicalConditions, View a list of Diagnosis and Complaints as obtainedfrom the electronic health record - Medications, View a list oftheir current and inactive medications, request prescriptionrenewals. - Health Maintenance, View a list of procedures orimmunizations recommended for you based on age, gender and medicalhistory. - Immunization, View a list of immunizations either takenor recommended for you based on age, gender and medical history -Laboratory Tests, View details of any future or completedlaboratory tests and procedure results - Radiology, View reports ofall completed Radiology exams and procedure. - Documents, View orrequest all kinds of medical reports including like dischargesummaries or medical evaluation - Vital Signs, View values andgraphs for your vital signs, height and weight as documented oneach visit - Surgical Procedures, View details of completedsurgical procedures - Pathology, View reports of all completedPathology tests and procedure. - Hospital Visits, View the detailsof your previous hospital visits to outpatient, inpatient andemergency department. - Supplies, View and request approved,supplies required for you or your dependents - Personal Profile,Provides personal information and emergency contacts address Thegoal of this initiative was driven by promoting “PatientExperiences” through meeting their growing expectations andsatisfying their demands by effective engagements through the useof technology as an efficient and effective communication platform.
ICRM2020 5.55.3
The 6th International Conference on Radiation Medicine (ICRM2020)isorganized by King Faisal Specialist Hospital & ResearchCentrein collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA),Al-Faisal University, Saudi Society of MedicalRadiologicTechnologist (SSMRT) and other leading national andinternationalorganizations and professional societies, in Riyadh,Kingdom ofSaudi Arabia from 09 to 13 February, 2020. This eventaims toattract top-notched worldwide experts to shed lightsonadvancements and best practices in the field. Theconferencethereby plays a major role in the enhancement anddevelopment ofhealth professionals in various aspects of radiationapplicationsin medicine with the ultimate goal of providing safeand effectivepatient care. The scientific program consists of 13unique tracks.The conference scientific tracks include: •Diagnostic &Interventional Radiology • Medical Physics •Nuclear Medicine •Radiation Oncology • Radiation Protection &Safety • RadiationEmergency Management • Clinical Engineering •Radiologic Technology• 3D Printing & Visualization • ChangeManagement in Healthcare• Artificial & Business Intelligence •Radiation TherapyTechnologist • Alfaisal University RadiologyEducation
Your personal health record in your hand
Clefty 1.01
Application to help parents of children with rabbit lip